Uta Ruge: The cows, my nephew and me

After "Bauern. Land", Uta Ruge presents a second book about life in the country: "The cows, my nephew and I" is again a journey into one's own childhood, a reflection on life with very large and sometimes threatening animals , a look at the existence of farmers today, which is threatened in many ways, from the industrialization of agriculture to sometimes unrealistic political norms. But it also tells about the animals in ancient times. And about the sacred cows. We are pre-printing two chapters: "Home is where the animals are" and "What happens to sacred cows."

About the book : Uta Ruge talks about the daily interaction with the cows, about feeding, milking, inseminations and births. She talks about the closeness that comes with the work and how, at the same time, you learn the necessary distance from the animals. She has researched the history of the relationships between humans and these large animals, as reflected in cave paintings, artifacts and religious tradition. And she drove through the villages and reported how the economic pressure to produce large quantities and the new regulations threatened the existence of smaller farms. This book makes it clear how fatal the alienation from our livelihoods is.

About the author : Uta Ruge, born in Wiek (Rügen) in 1953, grew up on a farm in West Germany. After completing her studies, she worked for several years at Rotbuch Verlag and in the editorial team of the taz. In 1985 she went to London as a freelance journalist and from there wrote for various newspapers and radio stations. Today she lives as a freelance author in Berlin.


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